Page Four Poetry Etc....
Professor Colton writes May 2nd 2021:
Born this way! (A Sunday Poem)
I couldn’t help it
I was born. This way
My way is my way.
Your way same as mine ?
People are born. Born all the time
So much of me wasn’t my choice
My looks. My color. My sound. My voice ?
I’m sure you can relate.
Who gets a choice ?
People are born. Born all the time
You arrived the same way as me ?
Close enough. Maybe a different time
We all know. God made us. His way
What else is there ? Left to say.
People are born. Born all the time
Being born is a shared experience
For some that’s not easy to accept
Born we are. Here we be.
Get over it ! Your, you. Is my, me
People are born. Born all the time
Here I am. Here you are
Staring up at. The twinkling stars
Breathing Earths air. Equally ?
Not always. Equally the same
People are born. Born all the time
Professor Colton writes May 2nd 2021:
There’s a lot more to say (A Sunday Poem)
There’s a lot more to say
That’s already never been said ???
Too much saying is bad ? After your dead
A lot more to say. So go ahead
Say the unforgivable. Your forgiven already
Say the unthinkable. It might be new
Say what’s on your mind. But SAY it soon.
There’s a lot more to say. Say it out loud.
Shock the whatever, out of the crowd
Saying. It. Makes an awesome sound
Say the unexpected. They’ll all freak.
Say it a lot. Make a big stink .
Say I love you. I love you. I love you.
Three times. Oh what a relief.
You lived over it. They did too.
There’s a lot more to say.
So just be you. Just for the today
Professor Colton American author writes: April 26th 2021
Look upward (A Poem)
Look upward towards the sky
Recognize no answers there in lie
From whence what orbit we did fall?
To be captured here on Earth at all
Marooned say some. Saved say others
Safely seeded here upon Earth Mother
Whatever the truth
Be we progeny of voyagers long lost?
From a starburst galaxy far away
Our skyward obsession in our DNA?
To escape this planets viral plagues
The virus master. Or its slave?
By Samuel Colton
American Author
3 – 21 – 13
Sing the word and you are happy
Taste it and you are happy
Live it and everyone’s happy
Love like you are in Dulce
Live like Dulce is a gift
Dulce, say it any time
Life is more with
Sweeter than chocolate
Sweeter than honey
Sweeter than money
Sweeter than nectar
The secret ingredient
Dulce is what you make
When you live life like it’s
Inauguration Day 2013 ©
By Samuel Colton American Author
Oh spacious skies over our nation’s capitol lie
With thousands of faces waving like grains of wheat.
Each capable of feeding the world and making it strong
The majesty of who we are
Represented as each speaker rose to speak.
The symbols of our order shown for the entire world to see.
That “We” the people are what makes this nation a land of liberty.
Judicial, Legislative and Executive branch kneel in obedience to the peoples will.
Inaugurate our 44th president this day; his and our nations
Destiny to fulfill.
Supported by the pillars, of freemen and women,
Who serve our people in harm’s way!
That all who come or wish to come
May all by American values be saved!
Our nation’s patriotic songs are sung
The ones we learned in school.
Our national anthem thus proclaims
The land of the free and the home of the brave.
With our flag held high this we pledge
Let those who hunger for what we have,
Come join with us to create America everywhere.
Let those who would wish to destroy “the dream” know that
We are here and without fear!
For we are Americans a people for the entire world.
The hope of all who have or will come to be,
We pledge ourselves to all mankind
To strive for life, liberty and justice for all.
God Bless America and our 44th President
Barack H. Obama
By Samuel Colton
American Author
I saw a grass filled field of Dandelions
I felt something of my youth in those Dandelions
I knew again a time of innocence and freedom
Free from the adult pre occupations thanks to my parents
Dandelions, bright yellow, bright green
Yellow like only Dandelion yellow can be yellow
Green like only Dandelion green can be green.
Dandelions wiggling in a summer breeze
Dandelions, forever part of me
I saw so many of my friends and family in those Dandelions
Young, happy, healthy and alive
Picking dandelion greens because Mom told stories
Pulling Dandelion greens because Dad gardened among them
Blowing Dandelion seeds to watch them float on the breeze
To watch those Dandelion seeds float away to places I would never know
A dandy day because a Dandelion seed floated down and stayed
I saw a grass filled field of Dandelions
I felt the summer sun on my boyhood back though I am old
I think I shall never see the world without thoughts of
Christmas When©
By Samuel Colton
American Author
Oh little town of Bethlehem
What wonders did you see one night?
The world then, the world now
Need’s the hope of that first Christmas night
I feel the spirit of our times
So much suffering; So much pain
I feel the need for your guiding light
Like your star did that first holy night
I see the need for the Christ child born
As great now as then, oh holy night
Bless us little Christ child grown
With the love you brought to the world
Your life and mission to save mankind
We share today with wise men of old
What the Sheppard’s saw and the angles sang
We share their hope, we sing your praise
Our hearts to you are lifted up
Our Christmas tree point‘s to the sky
Bless us now, bless us always
That through you we all may be saved
My Old Professor©
By Samuel Colton American Author
Some day you will come a calling
Perhaps take a moment to knock
At the old office door
Looking in all the familiar places
For your old friend the professor
To see how he is doing
To relive some memory from before
I won’t be where you are looking
My time to be me with you is gone
I will be where we all will be going
Somewhere sitting in with my face
Pointed to the Son
The time since I knew you
The time since you left
Has been so long
But gone so quickly
The spring has turned to fall
I know of you and your efforts
Your fine deeds, your family, your job
I know of them all
We are proud to call you one of ours
Alumni class of….
Tells it all
So thank you for looking to tell me
That which time won’t allow
I always knew you would make it
Your lessons learned are lessons taught
We are all so proud
To call you one of us
Proud you thought to come a calling
Sorry time didn’t leave me to be here
For your knock at the door
Forever is such a long time
Look for me when we both have
Made it!
To the place where forever always is
Rap from the Inside Out
By Samuel Colton American Author
So you listen to rap
You believe it is true
Then you are the big one
A big fool
Listen to your heart
Listen with your soul
Live a life full not as some
Believe in who you can be
Not what others tell you, you are?
It’s your life to live
It’s you turn to be a star
Spend your time listening
Spend your time pretending
Pretend until you are your own reality star
Rap, rap what the rap
So much rap, now you dress the part
You think you live the life
Whose life are you living?
The one that’s yours or the one with the mic
Selling you, charging you to listen to their rap
Your rap is better, but you got to pay the price to write it
Time to be making your own sound
Time to listen to your own beat
Time they know who you are
At home and out on the street
Because you are a somebody
Educated, so cool and respected
Not punked out with some strangers
tunes in your ears
Some advertisement for someone else’s
Fashion code
Get it together my young sister and brother
It’s not what you have; it’s what you make of it
Dig the life, get it right, and listen to your mother
Listen to your father; listen to the rap in your home
You can do it! Even if you think you are alone
Get it on, earn it! So many have wished for the chance you have
To have a life in a free America, get out of the mental bed in your head
So you listen to rap, did you write it?
Then why are you paying someone else for
The rap they wrote to sell you? Fool!
You can rap and rap better with your daily life
Write your life’s rap through hard work, school and enterprise
No, not drug slinging and dirty dealing
That is not something for you to do
Not something to be
Not something for someone born to be free
You can be better and do more
Listen to the rap inside of YOU
"Fair winds and following seas"© 5/31/2011
A poem by Samuel Colton American Author
“Fair Winds and Following Seas”
Shouts the Yeoman!
Another of life’s journeys has begun
The calm of the old harbor behind us
The swells of life’s storms clouding the sun
We weathered the passage to get here
We will weather the passage once more
May the crossing no matter how trying
Be a safe one with God waiting for us ashore
“Fair winds and following seas” cry’s the Yeoman
Up anchor, full canvas we sail.
Our captain, the one who will never fail us
Together we are ready to face the gale
Math Across the Curriculum
By Samuel Colton 2-17-2011
A quantitative qualitative
Written while attending the Arizona Western College Faculty In-Service program Febrary 17th 2011
Symphonic chorus,
Of numeracy literacy that ripples
Across the community.
Reverberating and Resonating
With tones and frequencies,
Heard by many
But felt by ALL.
October 7 2010
Dear Richard:
Well it was bound to happen. The weather is changing from the hot to the not so hot, and with it comes the reminder that another season has come and gone and with it time moves on. It seemed like it would never happen, the long hot days of summer that seemed endless with no end in sight. The hot days and even hotter nights. I thought a lot about the spring that had been so short that the blooms and buds were just a mirage of freshness that never happened except in my mind.
How was I to know that the seasons are not to last as long I as I want but are only meant to last as long as God willed them to be. Selfish of me, to want the good to linger and last. No doubt holding on a little too tight to the past. I remember; seems to be a big part of my vocabulary and the what I am doing is never as much as I remeber having done.
My how the times they are a changing and the seasons remind me so. Not that anything in the past was that much better but the time between then and now allows me to think it so. I won't miss the summer and the hot humid weather until the cold wet winter makes me think it was better.
I thought I would write you a couple of lines to remind you of your kinfolk who live just over and back a ways but never seem to have the time. Time for a visit, or perhaps just a letter. I suppose I would come visit more if I was as rich at that Rocker feller. So dear cousin and family of the same. Just a note to tell you I feel the age, the time and the seasons when they change.
Your cousin
Samuel Colton Sr
By Samuel Colton American Author
The Division Of ...
Could be a lot of things
Math, Science, English
The study of human beings.
The Division Of ...
Is part of the rest
Though not as good as ours
"We are the best".
The Division Of ...
You know the name
Has brought our institution all its fame.
We are so humble just ask us why
Your students dare to reach for the sky.
No need to cry, just explain
The Division of....
The reason is plain
The Division Of ...
Is the reason the others exist
The Division Of...
What discipline can resist?
Students on campus are so bright
The Division Of...
Their guiding light.
The sum of the total is considered one.
The Division Of... is that ONE!
As teachers our lives each day are blessed
For having students to give our best.
We work to help them
Be the all that they can be.
So that other divisions can easily see
That our learning outcomes assessments
Tell the story best.
The Division Of....
Out does the rest.
The Division Of...
Is just that.
Part of those who have a similar claim
So together we all must share our name.
The Division of...
Can only succeed.
When we are combined
With all the other
Divisions of...
Sing Song Bird Sing
By Samuel Colton American Author
All rights reserved
Sing Song Bird Sing
Its day break
The worms won't wait
Sing Song Bird Sing
No food for you is stored
No food for us is stored
Must have food
Sing Song Bird Sing
Sing while the day has light
Sing while there still is light
Sing the song the worms will like
Sing Song Bird Sing
By Samuel Colton American Author
All rights reserved
Young, old
Rich, poor
High, low
Wet, dry
Green, brown
Flowing, crashing
Hot, cold
Always Mystic
By Samuel Colton American Author
All rights reserved
Free your mind
Free your soul
Free your being
Free your life
Free your living
Free your writing
Free your critics
Free your reading
Free your thinking
Free your self
Free your giving
Free your friends
Free your enemies
Free your Fears
Free it all
Free Free Free
Its Raining Every Where
By Samuel Colton American Author
All rights reserved
Its raining every where
Its raining here
Its raining there
Its raining every where
Its raining there today
Its raining here today
The rain is good for some
Its raining every where
The rain misses no one
The rain is bad for some
The rain misses some
Its raining every where
The rain is good
The rain is bad
The rain will fall
Good or Bad
Every one feels the rain
Sometime! Some where!
The rain must fall
No rain, no life!
Its raining every where.
Glorious Morning
Oh what a glorious morn
What a morning it is to be
To breath the air
To see the sun
To hear the song birds sing.
Oh what a glorious morn
To feel the beating of my heart
To partake of life on planet earth
To know I am doing my part
To be part of the total worth
Oh what a glorious morn
To live like all other beings
To have my moment to be
To breath the air and other such things
Oh what a glorious morn
The Year That Was (2008)
By Samuel Colton American Author
The year that was
Was one of the best.
I can't remember when
There was another jest.
The stock market fell.
The country finances going to hell.
The worlds at war.
I can't remember when.
I voted as always.
My candidate won.
I am not sure what!
The economy is down
Unemployment is up.
People loosing all that they have.
All the bubbles have popped.
They lived through the depression
I guess this is ours.
Not the same, but just as hard.
We watch the news daily
We see the score.
What a year its been
Can we stand any more.
My family is together
We have hope.
The American dream lives
Just one more year.
This won't last any longer than our fear.
I live free in America
I have two hands that work.
With freedom to live
With freedom to work.
I can celebrate this year
With all its ups, all its downs.
Next year will be here
In a blink of the eye
Next year will be better.
Don't ask me why.
The year that was
Was the best of the worst
The year that was, Was.
So the year that was
Was just that.
Happy New Year
Authors note on Global Perspetive: Composed while attending a workshop during faculty in service as a professor at Arizona Western College in Yuma Arizona.
Global Perspective
By Samuel Colton
Dated 2/18/08
To see myself in Them
To see each Them in me
To see how what I do
Serves Them
And how what They do
Serves Me
Rings From The Fire
By Samuel Colton, Sr.
December 1 2007
A poem for those who dare to love, to live to be one.
Flash of light
Sound of thunder
Crimson as the twilight sky
Drawn from the fire
Shafts of iron
Crafted by the Masters hand
Seen only by his eye
The metal tested for strength
Tested for ability to bend
Strong enough to bend but not break
Each shaft is struck hard
Tested on life’s anvil
Before being joined
As one
Heated and hammered
Bent but not broken
Each bar becomes a ring
Then in a moment
The master strikes
What was two are linked as one.
No longer separate,
No longer single
Joined, welded and complete
A new purpose, a new life
To serve together
Always together
What were two is now one
Separate they served a smaller purpose
Together they double their strength
So it is when the master is working
The bellows, the fire, the forge
Two become one, joined together
The Masters work is done.
Posted to this web site: 2007-05-06
This poem was written about an old mansion the author stayed in while living in Glasgow Scotland during the late 1970's
The Loreto House
By Samuel Colton
Lovely rooms, winding stairs
Protect me from a world of care.
Twas here I first did lay my head
And rest my bones on a feather bed.
Many nights I've returned to thee
And within thy walls found sanctury.
This I might live more peacably
O how oft I've wept as nights go by
To see the stars that filled the sky
And see the city as it lie,
As only thy windows can provide.
But tomarrows come and passed me by and
I've grown old and soon must die,
And leave to others your praise to sing
Of songs, of dance, the life of Kings.
A comfortable home of comfortable things.
And so I pass from this world of care,
To a mansion that is waiting there.
A mansion that reaches up up high.
And above the door to my suprise,
For all who pass to surmise.
Posted to this web site: 2007-04-29
The River Boat
By Samuel Colton, Sr.
Plowing the river
Moving fish and fowl aside
Treading water behind me
Baskets of coal burning brightly
Lights me on each side.
The captain is my eye
The paddle wheel my feet.
I travel the river night and day.
Blowing my whistle to all
I meet.
Shovel my boiler with coal
To keep me going fast as a
Swift gulf-gull.
Who am I?
Everyone knows I am the
River Boat
That goes, goes, goes.
Posted to this web site: 2007-04-29
Our Savior
By Samuel Colton, Sr.
The sea in all its glory, its might waves
Could never be as powerful, as the Savior of
Or the wind in all its wonderous whirling: Its
Mighty gust and gales.
Could never do what our Savior did, and
Unlock the gates of Hell.
Nor the Sun in all its warming brilliance, No
Never could cause to shine:
The light the gospel of our Savior, brought
Forth upon Mankind.
Posted to this web site: 2007-04-29
More. Give Me MORE........
By Samuel Colton, Sr.
Strike the keys and watch the screen. Instantly I am King. My every thought. Mine to command to hard drive memory. Bit after bit becomes food for memory chips and drives that grow ever more impatient for my sluggardly strokes. More speed. More memory. More and more and more. I have found a well to empty my fountain of thought into. Only to find that I need more. More speed. More memory. How vast the caverns of my mind. To think that before now how wretchedly I struggled with pen and paper. More I must have more.The energy that lay compressed inside flesh and bone now finds an allie in plastic and crisscrossing circuit board. Exploding onto the screen and then to the page. Cerebral pulses tear at the skin. Clawing to get out. To be let loose. Free to wander the world on the web. Searching for kindred spirits of thought and imagination. More speed. More memory. More. More. More. The screeching sound of thought held captive to hands and machines with limitations is almost too great to bear. I must have more. More speed. More memory. More. Give me MORE........
Posted to this web site: 2007-04-29
To The Top
By Samuel Colton, Sr.
To thinkg that I would ever, to lofty
Heights should climb
To reach the highest mountain of honesty
And truth sublime.
That there amongst the beauty: Of
Perfect character to be.
And enjoy such spledid glory, is
Worth every effort to me.
Posted to this web site: 2007-04-29
The Ecology
By Samuel Colton, Sr.
The world turns
And night becomes day.
The ecology of our lives
Is never in balance.
We seek balance
Only to cause imbalance in our quest.
To right the wronged
We wrong the right.
To protect the innocent
They must surrender it first.
The natural order is not to be found in the forest.
But on the streets of the urban jungle.
The beast of power stalk marbled halls with fangs
Hissing words of honor.
The carnivores of this world, feign the sight of their victims blood.
Only to spend it gloriously on themselves.
There is no right or wrong.
Only the security of the ecology that allows all to feed
At whatever level of hunger exist.
The pleasures of the procreated species.
Swallowed up in the sorrow of the devoured fruit.
Whose Mother weeps for the child who will laugh no more?
Cycles of cycles.
Words upon words.
The good.
The bad.
The clean.
The filthy.
To liberate one.
Only to enslave the other.
What ideal can stand in the company of another and cause no conflict or strife?
Hearts reach out to love.
Only to be cut by those who hate.
Black and White
We are all each others slave.
Only our life’s blood lost produces the same.
The swirl of policies and powers.
Who can say where the safe haven rest.
Save those who have found company
In a world we can yet not know.
Fearful to venture out.
But not safe to remain inside.
The ecology demands living for today.
Not the marrow.
Consume all that is at hand to be had.
The winter that never ends may soon be.
Father’s Day a Year Ago©By Samuel Colton American Author6-19-2011 Father’s Day a Year AgoWhere has the time gone?My children, little to big you areAll in one year it would seemThe time between a dream Seems only yesterdayI held your little hands I lived to see your smilesTo hear the words I love you, te quiero mucho The days and weeks are Memories nowIt’s the autumn of my lifeMy fiancé, my lover, my wifeYou, our children my guiding light A year ago I was youngOr was it two or threeFather heard less, now Grandpa moreThere is an Old man living hereWho is this stranger in my home? A new generation is living in springI must learn to love the fallI cannot turn back time My spring moments have given wayI watch the autumn leaves fall Fall is autumn, so winter soon must beGrandpa is my new name and identityNo turning back the hands of timeSo save a hug and a kiss For your dad What more can he ask for?On this his special dayChildren who love him A wife who gave them to himToday is Father’s Day! Father’s Day a Year AgoOr has it been two Or has it been three.You were my little children onceNow I am yours